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Mind Field Repatterning Certification Program

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2024 Autumn Program Dates and Times:

  • SIX 90-minute Classes Wed Evenings – 5 – 6:30 MT                                                                            September 18, 25, October 9,16, November 6, 27th

  • Four Q & A/ MFR Practice Calls - Wed Evenings – 5 – 6:30 pm MT                                                      October 2, 30, November 20, December 4th

  • Two FREE’ Integration Weeks (no Classes or Calls):  October 23, November 13th

  • All Classes and calls will be recorded.










Who qualifies for the Mind Field Repatterning Certification Program and What Credentials are Awarded Upon Completion?

  • Practitioners must have completed all Mind Field Repatterning Levels 1, 2 & 3 Courses

  • This is an Internal Certification Program with Certification awarded through                   Blue Sun Energetics LLC.

  • Those who successfully complete the Mind Field Repatterning Certification Program (demonstrating not just dowsing prowess, but an integrated understanding of the foundations) will be issued a diploma with credentials:                                             Certified Mind Field Repatterning Practitioner  ‘CMFRP’ 

Interested in Becoming a Certified Mind Field Repatterning Practitioner, but You Haven't Taken MFR Levels One, Two and Three Mastery Courses?

No Worries! There's Still Time to Take Yourself through the 'Mind Field Repatterning Fast Trak Program' and Become Eligible to Join Us in Our Autumn 2024 Mind Field Repatterning Certification Program.


Is This Program Right For You?

This program is formatted as a highly interactive course designed specifically for those Mind Field Repatterning Practitioners who are working professionally with clients or for those who just want to take their practice for self and loved ones to a whole new level.  What perfect timing (here on our lovely planet) to further cultivate our skills and dedicate ourselves to dissolving fear and supporting the shift to Love!

Mind Field Repatterning TM Certification Program Benefits 

  • Become a Certified Mind Field Repatterning ‘MFR’ Practitioner and assist others in awakening to their greatest potential and happiness

  • Align with your highest creative potential and experience the joy it brings

  • Connect with the field of all possibilities and miraculous outcomes 

  • Fine Tune your language skills and confidence in describing this work to others and in facilitating Mind Field Repatterning sessions 

  • Expand your Mind Field Repatterning practice; create a fluid successful business plan 

  • Enhance the awakening of hearts and minds for Self, for All 

  • Certified MFR Practitioners will be listed by region on  

For More Information and Class Syllabus CLICK HERE

Program Structure: 



  • The MFR Certification Program spans over the course of twelve weeks to support personal and professional growth within a relaxed schedule. 

  • Six 90 min classes

  • 2 personal sessions scheduled for each student with Erina (switching roles - 1 with Erina as practitioner; 1 with Erina as the client) 

  • 2 sessions to be scheduled with a partner, another student (switching roles - 1 session as client; 1 session as practitioner) 

  • Students are required to facilitate a minimum of four additional sessions with clients, family or friends

  • Four Q & A/ Interactive Group Calls invite student feedback on sessions, group support

  • Personal support from Erina as needed through brief check-in calls, texting and email communication. 

  • MFR Certification Program Manual

  • Facebook private MFR Certification Group to share inspirations, helpful dialogue, questions. 


Enrollment $599 USD







All healing occurs on the level of mind.  When we release ourselves and others from the belief that we know what is best, we serve as willing conduits for Presence (Love, the Divine, God, Source) to move through, directing the flow and outcome for the highest good of our client, and for All.  Surrendering ourselves to Divine guidance is taken to a new level of experience in this program.  Getting ourselves ‘out of the way’ to be divinely directed, the field of all possibilities (Miracles) is accessible.  I can promise you this… the more we are aligned with this level of dedicated awareness, the more graceful and joyful does life become.  We never heal alone.  We are One. 

Access the Field of Pure Potential... Transform Your Life

  • Mind Field Repatterning 'MFR' is a transformational system based on expansive non-dual ideas, quantum principles and practices and working with subtle energy fields.

  • The heart of this work is purposed to collapsing limiting patterns (thoughts projected from an unhealed mind), thereby dissolving attachment to ego 'conditioned mind' identity.With this, greater peace of mind ensues, and open heartedness occurs as a natural effect.Life changes.

  • Mind Field Repatterning is directed by inspired guidance to discover and collapse limiting ‘memory files’ which have been stored in neural pathways throughout the brain and body, and in the energy field.  These files or vibrational signatures direct 95% of how your life unfolds, until they are released.

To learn more about Mind Field Repatterning and how it can transform your life and that of your family, friends and clients CLICK HERE

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