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Free Global Shift Clearing Calls 

Dedicated to Supporting You in Navigating Your Personal Journey of Emergence with Ease and Grace

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Free Global Shift Clearing Calls

Held on the Third or Fourth Monday of Each Month

Topics to Be Announced Monthly


GSC Calls are Mind Field Repatterning monthly events to assist you in navigating through these times of accelerated shift in global consciousness.  Each month we focus on a theme that best serves in the continued evolution of awakening as we release stress and let go beliefs and patterns that would hold us back.

2024 promises to be a year of continued accelerated change on this planet, accompanied by many with challenges of increased stress, anxiety and a sense of instability. We are focusing our calls to assist in each person's path of awakening through tapping into awareness of internal peace and causeless joy.  Join us and let go the unconscious beliefs and patterns that have been obscuring your awareness of Love, of Oneness.

Erina is joined by Certified Mind Field Repatterning Practitioners to facilitate clearings. GSC Calls are a great way to stay connected with our Mind Field Repatterning community, dedicated to shifting fear to love, limitation to unlimited possibilities.

Enjoy Our Most Recent Call

The Shifts are Still Accessible

through this Recording

6th Dimensional Codes to Quiet the Mind

and Open Your Heart


Click Here

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Join us for our Monthly Free Clearing Call

Monday September 30th at 5 pm MT

Support Your Health Mentally, Emotionally and Physically

How's your energy these days, your sense of vitality?  D​o you feel vibrant during your waking hours and able to fall asleep easily, resting soundly through the night to wake up feeling rested and clear minded?  In general, are you happy and feeling fulfilled?

Many people are 'running on empty', on the go with busy schedules and ultimately feeling stressed, tired or uninspired at times. Self-Regulation speaks of the 'art of keeping oneself balanced, healthy and living harmonious, purposeful life.  Join us in surfacing and releasing unconscious beliefs and patterns that otherwise influence our physical health in being less than optimal for sure. Heal the mind, restore balance to the energy field... and support the body's ability to restore and sustain homeostasis (healthy function).

Invite your friends and family members to join in this call. The more the merrier and the stronger the field we are creating together. As we shift we infuse the collective field with the healing we are accepting for ourselves.

Free Call... Register here in advance:

Once registered you will receive a link back from Zoom that will allow you access into the call.

See you then!

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For more info and to connect with our MFR Certified Practitioners
who co-facilitate our monthly clearings, go to our 'Certified Practitioners' page:
If you do not find listed the practitioner you would like to connect with, contact Erina:

If you would like to schedule a personal session with Erina
register through our Personal Sessions page:

Interested in becoming a Certified Mind Field Repatterning Practitioner?

Check out our MFR Classes listed under 'Courses' in home menu. Get a feel for each of the level classes and the familiarize yourself with the Mind Field Repatterning Certification Program application requirements and course curriculum. Mind Field Repatterning is a powerfully transformative method that hundreds of practitioners worldwide have learned and integrated into their lives.  It serves as a 'stand alone' effective healing modality as well as a complimentary method to many other techniques.  For many, it has become a
'game-changing', enriching part of their life's journey.  For some it has evolved into a significant expression of their life purpose. 

If you have any questions please contact Erina at 949-677-5169 or email her at 
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  We are so grateful to join you along this journey of creating new beginnings...

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